
Letters to My Brothers: Words of Hope and Challenge for Priests
(Ave Maria Press, 2013)

Why Priests are Happy: A Study of the Psychological and Spiritual Health of Priests
(Ave Maria Press, 2011)

Born of the Eucharist: A Spirituality for Priests
ed. (Ave Maria Press, 2009)

Our Journey into Joy: Ten Steps to Priestly Holiness
(Ave Maria Press, 2007)


"The First Five Years: How the Church Can Support Young Priests in a Secular Age", America, January 6-13, 2013, 210 (1): 15-18.

"A Time for Holy Men: The Spiritual Lives of Catholic Priests", The Priest, May 2013: 35-40.

"A Recent Study of Celibacy and the Priesthood: What do the Data Tell Us?", The Charism of Priestly Celibacy: Biblical, Theological and Pastoral Reflections, ed. by John C. Cavadini (2012): 143-161.

"Learning from Our Mistakes: Responding Effectively to Child Sexual Abusers", Toward Healing and Renewal, ed. Charles J. Scichuna, Hans Zollner, David John Ayotte (2012); 39-46.

"Making Children and Young People Our Priority", Origins: CNS Documentary Service, June 2011, 41 (74-79).

"The Priesthood today and Tomorrow", Origins: CNS Documentary Service, April 2011 40(44): 713-723.

"The Relationship of Priests and Bishops Today", Origins: CNS Documentary Service, July 2010, 40(10): 158-159.

"Trials will leave Priesthood, Church Stronger", Origins: CNS Documentary Service, April 2010, 39(46): 752-755.

"Becoming Priests for the First Time", Origins: CNS Documentary Service, July 2008: 122-131.