The Catechetics Academic Area has two distinctive graduate degrees.
Catechetics is a research degree. It systematically studies the history, nature, goals, principles, and process of catechesis. Catechetics is interdisciplinary because it draws on other disciplines, such as theology, liturgical studies, biblical studies, church history, etc., to establish norms and criteria for developing catechesis theories and methods. Graduate degrees in Catechesis are designed to equip students with knowledge and skills for conducting research.
Catechesis is rooted in the Great Commission (MT 28:19) and concerns the Catholic Church's pastoral mission to evangelize, teach, baptize, and form disciples of Jesus Christ. Graduate degrees are designed to equip pastoral ministers with academic and pastoral skills.
Graduate Degree Programs
We offer a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Catechetics and a Doctor of Ministry in Liturgical Catechesis, both pastoral degrees.