Introduction to Eastern Christian Liturgies
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The Presanctified Liturgy in the Byzantine Rite
The Presanctified Liturgy in the Byzantine Rite: A Comparative Analysis of its Origins, Evolution, and Structural Units in the series Liturgia Condenda 21.
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Studies on the Liturgies of the Christian East
Rev. Alexopoulos co-edited Studies on the Liturgies of the Christian East: Selected Papers from the Third International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy.
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The Necessity and Challenges of a Liturgical Series in the Catalogue of Byzantine Manuscripts” in Klaas Spronk, Gerard Rouwhorst, Stefan Royé (eds.) A Catalogue of Byzantine Manuscripts in their Liturgical Context: Challenges and Perspectives. Collected Papers resulting from the expert meeting of the Catalogue of Byzantine Manuscripts programme held at the PThU in Kampen, the Netherlands on 6th-7th November 2009 (CBM-Subsidia 1) (Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2013) 273-279, co-authored with the late Rev. Dr. Demetrios Tzerpos.
“The Place of the Typikon in the Codico-Liturgical Method” in Klaas Spronk, Gerard Rouwhorst, Stefan Royé (eds.) A Catalogue of Byzantine Manuscripts in their Liturgical Context: Challenges and Perspectives. Collected Papers resulting from the expert meeting of the Catalogue of Byzantine Manuscripts programme held at the PThU in Kampen, the Netherlands on 6th-7th November 2009 (CBM-Subsidia 1) (Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2013): 25-33.
“Accepting Adult Converts in the Orthodox Church: Theory and Practice” in Hans-Jürgen Feulner (ed.), Liturgies in East and West: Ecumenical Relevance of Early Liturgical Development. Austrian Studies of Liturgy and Sacramental Theology (Vienna: LIT-Verlag 2013): 19-32.
“Praying while Praying: A Unique Office of Holy Communion” in Steven Hawkes Teeples, Basilius J. Groen and Stefanos Alexopoulos (eds.), Studies on the Liturgies of the Christian East: Selected Papers from the Third International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy, Volos, May 26-30, 2010, Eastern Christian Studies, Vol. 18 (Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2013): 1-9.
[in Greek] "The Liturgical Life of the Church in the 2nd and 3rd Centuries", Ecclesia 89 (2012) 754-772.
“Holoi Mazi: Liturgical Practice and Liturgical History” in David A. Pitt, Stefanos Alexopoulos and Christian McConnell (eds.), A Living Tradition: On the Intersection of Liturgical History and Pastoral Practice (Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press, 2012): 256-270.
“The State of Liturgical Studies and Liturgical Research in Greece Today” in Basilius J. Groen, Steven Hawkes Teeples, Stefanos Alexopoulos (eds.), Inquiries into Eastern Christian Worship: Selected Papers of the Second International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgies, Rome, 17-21 September 2008, Eastern Christian Studies, Vol. 12 (Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2012): 375-392.
“Modern Greek Liturgical Scholarship: A Selective Bibliography (2000-2009)” in Daniel Galadza, Nina Glibeti? and Gabriel Radle (eds.), Toxotes: Studies for Stefano Parenti Analecta Kryptoferris 9 (Grottaferrata 2010): 19-47.
“Did the Work of Fr. Alexander Schmemann Influence Modern Greek Theological Thought? A Preliminary Assessment”, St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 53 (2009): 273-299.
[in Russian] "Theological Aspects of the Presanctified Liturgy", Michael Zheltov (ed.) [in Russian] The Sacraments of the Church Vth International Theological Conference of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow 2009): 458-75.
“The Orthodox Church in Greece and the Challenges of Secularization, Immigration, and EU Enlargement” in Šimon Marin?ák (ed.), Religion: Problem or Promise? The Role of Religion in the Integration of Europe. Orientalia et Occidentalia 4 (Košice: Michael Lacko Center, 2009): 201-206.
[in Greek] "The Funeral Service of Monks and Priests", The Mystery of Death in the Worship of the Church: Acta of the Ninth Liturgical Symposium (Athens: Church of Greece, 2009) 401-472.
“Presanctified on March 25? Glimpses in the Liturgical Tradition of Constantinople Before the Council in Trullo (691/2)” in Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata 5 (2008) 7-25.
“Initiation of Adults in Greece Today: Challenges and Suggestions” in Šimon Marin?ák (ed.), Sväté Tajomstvá na Krestanskom Vychode. Orientalia et Occidentalia 3 (Košice: Michael Lacko Center, 2008): 145-158.
“Gestalt und Deutung der christlichen Initiation im mittelalterlichen Byzanz” in Christian Lange, Clemens Leonhard, Ralph Olbrich (eds.), Die Taufe. Eine Einführung in Geschichte und Praxis (Darmstadt: WBG, 2008): 49-66.
[in Greek] "A Short Note Regarding as to when the Presanctified is to be Celebrated", Synaxe 105 (Jan-Mar 2008): 29-36.
For articles older than 2008, please refer to Curriculum Vitae.