Thomas Clemmons

Academic Area

  • Church History
  • Historical and Systematic Theology
  • School

  • School of Theology and Religious Studies
  • Expertise

  • Latin Patristics
  • Augustine
  • Biography

    Thomas Clemmons joined the STRS faculty in 2016 after completing his Ph.D. in the History of Christianity at Notre Dame. Dr. Clemmons’s teaching and research interests focus on Latin Patristics, Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. His primary specialization is in St Augustine and Christianity in Roman North Africa. Current research examines topics in Augustine's early writings through the Confessions, St Jerome's asceticism, Augustine's engagement with Manichaeism and the philosophy of Plotinus and Porphyry, Augustine's Sermons, and Augustine's reception in North Africa and the early medieval period.


    Recent Publications

     “Augustine’s Sermons on the Ascension and Pentecost,” in A. Hofer and V. Meconi, eds., Cambridge Companion to Augustine’s Sermons (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Forthcoming 2023)

    “The Reception of the City of God in North Africa,” in M. Giani, G. Partoens, and A. Dupont, eds., Reception of the City of God (Leiden: Brill, Forthcoming 2023)

    “Homiletical Instruction and Communal Exegesis: Augustine and his Congregation in the Early Anti-Manichaean Sermons,” in S. Boodts, A. Dupont, and G. Partoens, eds., Ministerium Sermonis II (Turnhout: Brepols, Forthcoming 2023)

    “Asceticism, Society, and the Church in Jerome’s Early Writings,” in Jan Dominik Bogataj, A. Cain, D. Movrin, and M. Špelič, eds., Hieronymus Noster: Jerome’s Exegetical, Theological and Philological Work (Turnhout: Brepols, Forthcoming 2023)

    “Augustine’s Early Ethics: A Reconsideration,” in Augustine and Ethics (Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2023)

    “Quodvultdeus and Victor Vitensis,” in A. Dupont and J. Yates, eds., The Bible in Christian North Africa, Part 2, Augustine’s Confessions to the Arab Conquest (ca. 400C.E. to ca. 650 C.E.) (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023)

     “Sol and Fons: Christological and Trinitarian Sequencing in Augustine’s Writings from Cassiciacum and Thagaste,” in Markus Vincent, ed., Studia Patristica  Vol.CXIX (Leuven: Peters, 2021): 1-12

    “Augustine and Porphyry,” in D. Hunter and J. Yates, eds., Augustine and Tradition: Influences, Contexts, Legacy (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2021): 153-179

    “Time, Eternity, and History in Augustine’s Early Works,” in S. Hannan, K. Paffenroth, and J. Doody, eds., Augustine and Time (Lanham, MD: Lexington, 2021): 3-20

    “De Genesi aduersus Manichaeos: Augustine’s Anthropology and the Fall of the Soul,” Augustinian Studies 51:1 (2020): 47-78

    “On the Two Wills: Augustine against Agonism toward Peace,” in A. Dupont, E. Eguiarte Bendimez, and C. A. Villabona Vargas, eds., Agustin de Hipona como Doctor Pacis, Vol .2 (Bogota: Editorial Uniagustiniana, 2019): 269-288

    “The Common, History, and the Whole: Guiding Themes in De vera religione,” Augustinianum 58 (2018): 125-154