• Council of Trent

    The Cambridge Companion to the Council of Trent

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  • Lateran V

    Nuova luce sul Concilio Lateranense V

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  • Martin Luther and the Shaping of the Catholic Tradition

    Martin Luther and the Shaping of the Catholic Tradition

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The Catholic Reformation: council, Churchmen, and Controversies
[Collected Studies Series< CS103/p>(Varorium, 1993)
Nelson Minnich

Encyclopedia of the Renaissance
gen. ed.Paul F. Grendler, associate editor for the church history materials Nelson Minnich, 6 vols. (over 80 articles)
(New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1999)

Controversies: Responsio ad epistolam paraeneticam Aleberti Pii, Apologia adversus rhapsodias Alberti Pii, Brevissima scholia
ed. Nelson Minnich, translated by Danial Sheerin, annotated by Nelson Minnich and Daniel Sheerin, [The Collected Works of Erasmus, vol. 84].
(University of Toronto Press, 2005)

Councils of the Catholic Reformation: Pisa I (1409) to Trent (1545-63)
[Collected Studies Series CS890](2008)
Nelson Minnich


"The Closing of the Fifth Lateran Council (1512-17)", Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum  45 (2013): 17-58.

Egidio Antonini da Viterbo, the Reform of Religious Orders, and the Fifth Lateran Council (1512-1517)” in: Egidio da Viterbo, cardinale agostiniano, tra Roma e l’Europa del Rinascimento: Atti del Convegno, Viterbo 22-23 settembre 2012, Roma, 26-28 settembre 2012, eds. Myriam Chiabò, Rocco Ronzani, and Angelo Maria Vitale [Roma nel Rinascimento, inedita, saggi] (Rome: Centro Culturale Agostiniano , Roma nel Rinascimento, 2013), 215-266.

“Leo X: Success or Failure,” translated into Portuguese as “Leão X: sucesso ou fracasso?” by Marcus De Martini and published in Letras [Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras – Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil] 43.02 [Jul./Dez.] (2011): Poesia, pensamento e narrativas nos séculos XVI e XVII, 63-83.

"The Implementation of Lateran V by the Milanese Councils of San Carlo Borromeo", Annuarium Historiae Conciliorum 42 (2010): 75-84.

"The Fifth lateran Council and Preventative Censorship of Printed Books", Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Lettere Filosofia, series 5, vol. 2 (June 2010): 67-104.

"The Legitimacy of the Fifth Lateran Council (1512-17)", Annarium Historiae Conciliorum 40 (2008): 167-194.