
Holy Thursday in Jerusalem and Constantinople: The Liturgical Celebrations from the Fourth to the Fourteenth Centuries, (Orientalia Christiana Analecta in Press).

Book as Editor

SAINTS, SANCTITY, LITURGY For Robert Francis Taft, S.J., at Seventy, January 9, 2002, Symposium Papers And Memorabilia. Fairfax, Virginia: Eastern Christian Publications, 2006.

Book Reviews

The Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. A History, Vol. VI: The Communion, Thanksgiving, and Concluding Rites by Robert Taft, S.J., Rome, Italy: (Orientalia Christiana Analecta 281) Pontificio Istituto Orientale 2008. Pages, 857. Paper €58.00. ISBN: 978-88-7210-361-4.  Worship 84 (2010) 355-356.

The Theology and Liturgical Work of Andrei Sheptytsky (1865-1944.) By Peter Galadza. (Orientalia Christiana Analecta 272) Pontificio Istituto Orientale 2004. Pages, 524. Paper €.32. ISBN: 88-7210-335-2. Worship 84 (2010) 183-185

The People from Nowhere: An Illustrated History of Carpatho-Rusyns. By Paul Robert Magocsi. Commentary to illustrations by Valerii Padiak. (Uzhorod, Ukraine: V. Padiak Publishers. 2006. Pp. 120. Hardcover.) Catholic Historical Review 94 (2008) 191.

Worship Traditions in Armenia and the Neighboring Christian East: An International Symposium in Honor of the 40th Anniversary of St. Nersess Armenian Seminary. Ed. Roberta R. Ervine, St. Valdimir’s Seminary Press and St. Nersess Armenian Seminary: Crestwood, NY 2006, hardcover 346pp. Logos 49(2008) 139-140.

Il movimento liturgico nelle chiese bizantine. Analisi di alcune tendenze di riforma nel XX secolo. By Marcel Mojzes (Bibliotheca Ephemerdes Liturgicae Subsidia 132) Rome 2005. Pages 275. Paper, 35.00. Worship 81 (2007) 185-186.


The Liturgy and the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States: Change through the Decades", US Catholic Historian, Fall 2013.

"East Meets West in Liturgy: Mutual Influence through the Centuries", Liturgies in East and West: Ecumenical Relevance of Early Liturgical Development. Acts of the International Symposium Vindobonense I, Vienna, November 17-20, 2007, International Specialized Book Services (2013): 295-305.

[In Ukrainian] "The Church's Rule of Prayer as the Source of Liturgical and Spiritual Direction of Consecrated Religious Persons", Consecrated Religious Life in the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, Material for the Fifth Patriarchal Sobor of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Lviv, Svichado (2012): 220-236.

"Tradition and Natural Disaster: The Role of Liturgical Scholarship", Inquiries into Eastern Christian Worship: Acts of the Second International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy, Rome, 17-21, Basilius J. Groen and Steven Hawkes Teeples (eds.), Eastern Christian Studies 12, Leuven (2012): 1-18.

“Tradition or Innovation – An Analysis of Recent Liturgical Developments in the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States,” Worship 86:1 (Jan. 2012): 16-39.

“Historicism and Egeria: Implications of In eo typo,” Ecclesia Orans 27 (2010) 169-182.

“Jerusalem Celebration of Matins and the Hours in Great Week from Monday to Wednesday,” Orientalia Christiana Periodica 77 (2011) 423-447.

“Jerusalem Celebration of Great Week Evening Services from Monday to Wednesday in the First Millennium,” Studi sull'Oriente Cristiano 14 (2010) 99-126.

“Tradition and Natural Disaster: The Role of Liturgical Scholarship,” in Inquiries into Eastern Christian Worship: Acts of the Second International Congress of the Society of Oriental Liturgy, Rome, 17 – 21 September 2008, Basilius J. Groen and Steven Hawkes Teeples (eds.) (Eastern Christian Studies, Vol. 10) Leuven, 2009, in press.

“A Palm Sunday Procession in the Byzantine Tradition? A Study of the Hagiopolite and Constantinopolitan Evidence” OCP 75 (2009) 359-383.

“East Meets West in Liturgy: Mutual Influence through the Centuries,” in press Acts of Symposium Vindobonense 2009.

“Liturgical Changes in Russia and The Christian East? A Case Study: The Mysteries (Sacraments) of Initiation with the Eucharistic Liturgy,” Worship 83 (January 2009) 30-47.

“Tenth Century Easter Monday in Constantinople: Instructive for Today?” Bollettino della Badia Greca di Grottaferrata, III series 5 (2008) 263-282.

“Eastern Catholic Infant Communion: Has Catholic Dogmatic Teaching Prohibited It?” Logos: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 49 (2008) 71-90.