
Daily Video Reflections on the Readings of the Day, USCCB, 2011-2016.

Community in Mission Blog.  2012-2014.

“Forming the Laity for the New Evangelization.”  In New Theology Review.

25:1: 40-44.

Priestly Ministry in Multiple Parishes.”  A book review in Pastoral Music Magazine,


“Grassroots Evangelization.” A book review of From Maintenance to Mission in New Theology Review, 19;1 (02/06):  86-87.

“Catherine of Siena, an E3 Evangelizer.” In Share the Word, Ordinary Time, 2005.

“Mystics in the Mainstream.”  In Shared Gifts, a publication of the

Washington Catholic  Charismatic Service.  5:3 (2003).