
The Spirituality of the Liturgical Movement. In preparation.

The Carolingian Eucharist 750-900: A Study of Liturgical Reform, in preparation.

The Sacrament of Baptism. Lex Orandi series. Edited by John Laurance. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2011.

The Mass: Understanding What We Say and What We Do. Dayton, OH: Pflaum, 1990, 2000, 2005, 2011.


Medieval Christianity in Practice. Edited by Miri Rubin. Princeton Readings in Religion. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009. Worship, in preparation.

One Baptism: Ecumenical Dimensions of the Doctrine of Baptism. By Susan K. Wood. Collegeville: Liturgical Press/A Michael Glazier Book, 2009. Theological Studies, in press.

Sacraments: Revelation of the Humanity of God: Engaging the Fundamental Theology of Louis-Marie Chauvet.  Edited by Philippe Bordeyne and Bruce T. Morrill.  Collegeville: Liturgical Press/A Pueblo Book, 2008.  Theological Studies 70 (2009): 978.

Fiat Lux: Lumière et luminaires dans la vie religieuse en Ocident du XIIIe siècle au début du XVIe siècle.  Histoire Religieuse de la France 24.  Paris: Cerf, 2004.  Catholic Historical Review  94 (2008) 804-805.

Spiritus spiritalia nobis dona potenter infundit: A Proposito di tematiche liturgico-pneumatologiche: Studi in onore di Achille Marie Triacca, sdb.  Studia Anselmiana 139; Analecta Liturgica 25.  Roma: Centro Studi S. Anselmo, 2007.  Worship 82 (2008) 92-94.

Cristo è l’altare: Liturgia di dedicazione della chiesa e dell’altare.  By Giuseppe Ferraro.  Rome: Edizioni OCD, 2004.  Worship 81 (2007) 188-189.

Liturgia e spiritualità: Profilo storico.  “Caro salutis cardo,” Sussidi 4.  By Lorenzo Artuso. Padua: Edizioni Messaggero Padova, 2002, in Worship 78 (2004) 381-383.

Liturgia eucaristica: Mistagogia della Messa: dalla storia e dalla teologia alla pastorale pratica.  Biblioteca Ephemerides Litrugicae, Subsidia 100.  By Vincenzo Raffa.  Rome: C.L.V. – Edizioni Liturgiche, 1998 in Ecclesia Orans 18 (2001) 276-279

L’Efficacia dei Sacramenti e la ‘Performance’ Rituale: Ripensare l’‘ex opere operato’ a partire dall’antropologia culturale.  “Caro Salutis Cardo,” Studi 12. By Alberto Dal Maso.  Padua: Edizione Messaggero Padova 1999, in Worship 75 (2001) 87-90.

The Unread Vision: The Liturgical Movement in the United States of America, 1926-1955.  By Keith F. Pecklers.  Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1998, in Ecclesia Orans 16 (1999) 139-141.

Eucharist: Toward the Third Millennium.  By Gerard Austin and others.  Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1997, in Worship 72 (1998) 378-380.

The First Ordinary of the Royal Abbey of St.-Denis in France [Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine 526], Spicilegium Friburgense 32.  By Edward B. Foley.  Fribourg (Switzerland): The University Press, 1990, in Ecclesia Orans 14 (1997) 117-119.

Liturgical Inculturation: Sacramentals, Religiosity, and Catechesis.  By Anscar J. Chupungco.  Collegeville: Liturgical Press/A Pueblo Book, 1992, in Ecclesia Orans 10 (1993) 355-357.

The Banquet’s Wisdom: A Short History of the Theologies of the Eucharist.  By Gary Macy.  New York: Paulist Press, 1992, in Living Light 29 (Spring 1992) 97.

The Sanctus in the Eucharistic Prayer.  By Bryan D. Spinks. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991, in Theological Studies 53 (1992) 385.

The Meaning of the Sacramental Symbols: Answers to Today’s Questions.  By Klemens Richter, tr. by Linda M. Maloney.  Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1990, in Worship 65 (1991) 189-190.

I Simboli dell’Iniziazione Cristiana.  Analecta Liturgica 7, Studia Anselmiana 87.  Ed. Giustino Farnedi, O.S.B.  Rome: Pontifio Ateneo S. Anselmo, 1983, in Worship 58 (1984) 476-477.


Four articles in the forthcoming book: Commentary on the Roman Rite: Volume II: Ordo Missae. Edited by Edward Foley, Joanne Pierce, and Nathan Mitchell. Collegeville: Liturgical Press/A Pueblo Book, in preparation. The articles are:

  • “Liturgy of the Word: History of the Rites and Latin Text"
  • “Preparation of the Gifts: History of the Rites and Latin Text”
  • “Eucharistic Prayer III: History of the Rites and Latin Text”
  • “Dismissal Rite: History of the Rites and Latin Text”

“St. Gall Mass Orders (V): Their Context, Structure, and Theology,” in preparation

With Daniel J. Merz, “St. Gall Mass Orders (IV): Ms. Sangallensis 354. Searching for the Origins   of the ‘Rhenish Mass Order,’” Ecclesia Orans 28 (2011 [published 2013]): 197-224.

“The Liturgical Movement: A Personal Examen,”Proceedings of the North American Academy of Liturgy, (The 2013 Vice Presidential Address.) (Notre Dame, IN: North American Academy of Liturgy, 2013): 9-19.

“’Faithful Stewards of God’s Mysteries’: Theological Insights on Priesthood from the Ordination Ritual.” In Ministerial Priesthood in the Third Millennium: Faithfulness of Christ, Faithfulness of Priests, 43-60. Edited by Kevin W. Irwin. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 2009.

With Daniel J. Merz, “St. Gall Mass Orders (IV): Ms. Sangallensis 354. Searching for the Origins of the ‘Rhenish Mass Order,’” in preparation.