Eastern Christian Studies Mission and Vision - School of Theology and Religious Studies - Catholic University of America, Washington, DC | CUASkip to main content
To coordinate and sponsor rigorous scholarly inquiry into the distinct histories, languages, and cultures (including religious cultures) of the Christian communities originating in the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East.
To support and encourage eastern Christian communities to strengthen their own knowledge and records of their own long histories in various areas of their culture.
To enable and encourage the study of the various cultures within eastern Christianity by members of those communities, particularly students at all levels - undergraduate, graduate and seminary students.
To promote the study, preservation, and knowledge of the eastern Christian Traditions nationally and internationally.
To educate students (undergraduate, graduate and seminarians) both from North America and the whole world to study, serve and preserve their traditions, languages, and cultures of their eastern Christian Traditions.
To serve the eastern Christian communities in the DC area and in North America.
To cultivate public engagement with the various institutions in Washington DC regarding eastern Christianity.