
  • To coordinate and sponsor rigorous scholarly inquiry into the distinct histories, languages, and cultures (including religious cultures) of the Christian communities originating in the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East.
  • To support and encourage eastern Christian communities to strengthen their own knowledge and records of their own long histories in various areas of their culture.
  • To enable and encourage the study of the various cultures within eastern Christianity by members of those communities, particularly students at all levels - undergraduate, graduate and seminary students.


  • To promote the study, preservation, and knowledge of the eastern Christian Traditions nationally and internationally. 
  • To educate students (undergraduate, graduate and seminarians) both from North America and the whole world to study, serve and preserve their traditions, languages, and cultures of their eastern Christian Traditions.
  • To serve the eastern Christian communities in the DC area and in North America.
  • To cultivate public engagement with the various institutions in Washington DC regarding eastern Christianity.
