Students who wish to withdraw from the university must:
- Inform their Academic Dean and adviser or department chair.
- Drop or withdraw from all courses with Cardinal Station.
- Report to Housing Services, 106 St. Bonaventure Hall (campus residents only).
- Report to the Office of Financial Aid, 6 McMahon Hall.
- Report to the Registrar's Office to submit a Registration Change Form, 10 McMahon Hall.
- Report to the Department of Public Safety to surrender CUA photo ID card, 120 Leahy Hall.
- Report to the Office of Student Accounts, 140 Leahy Hall (those who expect a refund and wish to request immediate payment).
Withdrawal is not official until these procedures have been completed. Students who fail to withdraw officially are assigned a grade of failure in each course.
A student who simply fails to register for courses or to appear on campus without following any of the above procedures will be listed as administratively withdrawn by the registrar's office. This will constitute a lapse in their continuous enrollment. Such students who wish to resume their studies will have to apply for readmission.