The faculty and alumni of our school write the books and journal articles studied by theology students around the country. Explore some of our most recent works.
Dr. John Grabowski Published Essay
John S. Grabowski published an essay, "Signs of Hope and Healing in Theology: A Tale of Two Statements," in Humanae Vitae 50 Years Laters: Embracing God's Viision for Marriage, Love and Life, Theresa Notare, ed. (Washington: CUA Press, 2019), 349-63. The essay contrasts the Catholic Scholars Statement put out by the Winjgaards Institute on September 20, 2016 with a statement of Catholic scholars in support of Humanae vitae introduced at the Catholic University of America the same day. It then offers an overview of various lines of argument put forward in recent magisterial teaching and Catholic theology which support the teaching of the encyclical of St. Paul VI. The chapter was based on a presentation given at the conference on Humanae vitae on CUA's campus in April 2018.
Dr. John and Clare Grabowski Published
Dr. John Grabowski and his wife, Clare, have published Raising Catholic Kids for the Their Vocations (Charlotte, NC TAN Books, 2019). The book looks at the role of parents in forming their children for their vocations--both their baptismal vocation to holiness and their further call to specific states in life. The book draws on scripture and Church teaching as well as our own experience of thirty-three years of parenthood. Topics covered include: welcoming children as gifts, the choice of a name, nurturing the gift of faith, the concept of vocation, the teaching role of parents, the practices of the family as domestic church, and parental surrender of their children to God.
Dr. Robert Miller Published
Dr. Robert Miller has published “Taybeh, Baal-Hazor, and a Failed Hunt for Baal: Archaeological Survey of Tell Asur,” Antiguo Oriente 16 (2018): 201-238. This essay presents the results of an archaeological survey undertaken by Dr. Miller, TRS doctoral candidate Rev. Eric Wagner CR, and Catholic U. alumnus William Miller (BA, ‘16), funded by a research grant-in-aid from the university.
Dr. Charles B. Jones Published
Dr. Charles B. Jones published: "Master Sheng Yen’s Pure Land Teachings: Synthesizing the Traditional and the Modern,” in Shengyan yanjiu 聖嚴研究 (Studies on Master Sheng Yen), no. 11 (2018), p. 217-241.
Two New Articles by Fr Ford
Fr John Ford recently published two articles: "Father Paul of Graymoor: Preacher of Church Unity" and "Father Paul of Graymoor: Pilgrim of Christian Reunion". Both appeared inEcumenical Trends 44/6 (June 2015).
Msgr McPartlan's Holy Spirit Lecture Published
The ninth annual Holy Spirit Lecture that Msgr Paul McPartlan gave at Duquesne University on 14 November 2014 on the theme of 'An Evangelizing Communion: The Church, the Holy Spirit, and Vatican II' has now been published in booklet form and also at
Dr. Wilhelmus Valkenberg Publishes Book on World Religions
Published by Anselm Academic, World Religions in Dialogue: A Comparative Theological Approach encourages a deep understanding by modeling a way to learn about world religions that moves beyond information into actual encounters with religious others. The book's unique approach includes insider and outsider perspectives of four major non-Christian world religions through dialogue between Christian scholars of these religions, and Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, and Jewish scholars of their own religions. With insider and outsider analysis of sacred text excerpts, glossaries, full-color photographs throughout, and thought-provoking questions for discussion and further research, World Religions in Dialogue is that rare book that models learning from and with religious others rather than just about them.
Dr. Miller Publishes Book on the Psalms for Laypeople
Associate Professor of Old Testament, Dr. Robert Miller OFS, has published the book, The Psalms as Israel’s Prayer and Our Own in the Christian Heritage Rediscovered series from Christian World Imprints. This easy to read book brings the insights of biblical scholarship on the Psalter to modern Christian readers in order to enhance the understanding and praying of the Psalms.
Rev. Dr. Heil publishes book on 1 Peter, 2 Peter, and Jude
The subtitle of this book is “Worship Matters.” By “worship” is meant not only liturgical worship but also the ethical behavior that complements it for a holistic way of worshiping God. “Matters” refers not only to the “matters” or issues regarding worship in these letters but also the fact that worship “matters” in the sense of making an all-important difference to Christian living, not only for the original audiences of the letters, but equally for their contemporary audience.
Dr. Miller Publishes Article on the Song of Songs in Sacra Scripta
Dr. Robert D. Miller has published his article, “The Song of Songs: A Plea for an Aesthetical Reading,” in Sacra Scripta, vol. 10, no. 2 (spring 2013), p. 113-119. In this essay, he calls for a literary reading of the Old Testament book that emphasizes aesthetic engagement with the reader.
Dr. Tarmo Toom and Dr. Chad Pecknold Edit and Contribute to Book Companion
Professors Dr. Chad Pecknold and Dr. Tarmo Toom edited and contributed to the book, T&T Clark Companion to Augustine and Modern Theology (2013). Other contributors from TRS include Dr. Michael Root, Dr. Joshua Benson, Ph.D. Candidate, Jacob Wood and Historical and Systematic alumnus, Will Cohen.
Msgr. McPartlan Publishes Book on Primacy
In close connection with his work as a member of the international Catholic-Orthodox theological dialogue, Msgr Paul McPartlan has written a new book on papal primacy, A Service of Love: Papal Primacy, the Eucharist, and Church Unity, which has just been published by CUA Press. The book presents universal primacy most fundamentally as a service to the unity of the Church which flows from the Eucharist. Arguing both theologically and historically, it formulates a proposal for consideration by Catholics and Orthodox, and by Christians more widely, outlining three roles for the bishop of Rome as universal primate in a reunited Church: moderating disputes, presiding at ecumenical councils, and serving eucharistic communion.
Dr. Jones Publishes Article in Education About Asia
Dr. Charles B. Jones has published his article, “The Wheelwright and the Butcher: Master Zhuang’s Recipe for Mindful Living,” in Education About Asia, vol. 18, no. 1 (spring 2013), p. 62-64.