Popularization of Science images

These sites provide science news for a lay audience and can be useful but should be used with caution. They tend to sensationalize recent scientific findings and make generalizations that go beyond the evidence. In order to cultivate an appropriate sense of skepticism, reflect on how your own area of expertise is reflected in popularizing media.

  • The Society for Science and the Public publishes Science News and its related website providing science news across a range of topics.

  • SciCheck is part of FactCheck.org, and focuses exclusively on misrepresentations of science by advocates seeking to influence policy.

  • The Smithsonian Institution has a magazine, extensive network of museums related to both science and humanities in Washington, DC, and a comparably extensive website.

  • The website Science Daily provides a substantial database of science journalism. The stories often link to the published articles that are the basis for the news items. Normally, the stories report in single studies rather than more in-depth discussion of the context of these studies, but it can be a useful and accessible way to see what is happening in the sciences.

  • The New York Times Science section is devoted to coverage of general science news.

  • Live Science is a science news website with content and commentary often syndicated to major news outlets.

  • The popular website How Stuff Works publishes thousands of explanations about how aspects of the natural and technological worlds function.

  • National Geographic is famous for its magazine and photography, but they also provide extensive content on their website. Also, they have a museum in Washington, DC.

  • Bill Nye the Science Guy made 100 half-hour episodes on a range of science topics for kids. His official website includes educational resources and an episode guide. Episodes can be located on YouTube.


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[1]JJ Harrison  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ 
[2] Brocken Inaglory  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ 
[3]CSIROi https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ 
[3]Internet Archive Book Imagesi https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/