STRSSA is proud to sponsor professional-development and community-building initiatives of TRS students.
Area Social Events:
STRSSA sponsors social events for TRS Areas organized by the appointed Area representative. Area representatives can apply for up to $250 in funding for these events per semester.
Professional Development:
TRS graduate students can also email the Treasurer to apply for professional development reimbursements for up to $200. This category may include STRSSA-approved expenses related to teaching materials/equipment, headshot photos, or other resources. Students may apply for an increase on the basis of individual need.
Research Opportunities:
Students may apply to use up to $500 of their annual conference funding for non-conference-related trips necessary for their research. To do so, they should email the treasurer:
1. A one-page description of the trip and the reason(s) justifying the need for travel.
2. A letter of support from the professor directing the student’s research
3. A list of projected expenses.
STRSSA Conference Reimbursement Guidelines:
STRS Graduate Students have three complementary avenues available for obtaining conference reimbursement:
- GSA (Graduate Student Association) also provides funds for conference reimbursement, the details of which can be found on GSA's conference webpage. (In fact, students should apply for GSA funding prior to requesting STRSSA funding, more below.)
- The second source of funding comes from STRSSA itself. STRSSA has funds available for reimbursing graduate students who participate at academic conferences. For individuals on a yearly basis, STRSSA provides up to $1000 per academic year (which includes Summer, Fall, and Spring semesters) per student. However, the maximum amount of reimbursement one can receive for presenting at a single conference is $500 and the maximum reimbursement one can obtain for attending a single conference is $300. Please see the STRSSA Conference Reimbursement Guidelines below for more detail.
- STRS may also provide funds for conference reimbursement (details available from the staff in Caldwell 106).
Preliminary Notes
- The applications are not necessarily approved on a first-come, first-served basis, but since the funding is limited, students are urged to apply as early as possible.
- Funding awards will be distributed as equally as possible over the academic school year, roughly half to be awarded in the Fall, and another half in the Spring, so as to provide equal access to funds for students presenting in each semester.
- We will do our best to reimburse as many students as possible, and we hope that this will alleviate some of the financial burden students experience by presenting at conferences.
Prior to the Conference:
- Students must first apply for conference reimbursement funding from GSA.
- The Graduate Student Association provides some funding for students presenting at and attending conferences. Details about this funding can be found on GSA's Conference website.
- Those students who apply for funding from STRSSA and have been rejected for funding from GSA will be privileged over those students who already have received funding from GSA. However, students who have already received funding from GSA still qualify for STRSSA funding and are urged to apply for STRSSA funding.
- The Graduate Student Association provides some funding for students presenting at and attending conferences. Details about this funding can be found on GSA's Conference website.
- After applying for GSA funds and receiving a response back, you should apply for STRSSA funds by submitting the google form at the following link:
- You will be notified via email from a STRSSA Officer regarding the status of your funding request.
- Keep and scan all paper and electronic receipts. STRSSA will need original copies of all receipts.
- Please read through the "Important Notes" section of GSA's conference guidelines<, as these apply, mutatis mutandis, to STRSSA reimbursements.
- Be aware of the "After the Conference" requirements so you can begin immediately after returning from the conference.
After the Conference
- As indicated by university guidelines, travel funds can only be reimbursed within 15 days of the date of travel. Therefore, it is important that you begin submitting the appropriate forms and receipts immediately upon your return. Failure to submit these receipts in a timely fashion may result with your not receiving the reimbursement funds.
- If you are receiving funds from GSA, complete the GSA conference process first. After completing the GSA process, you should submit both a paper copy and digital copy of all necessary documentation, including a Travel Expense Report, proof of attendance/presentation, and originals of all expense receipts (unless GSA needs the originals; in that case submit copies of those receipts).
- Digital copies of receipts should be submitted using the STRSSA Conference Reimbursement Submission Form at the following url:
- Paper copies of receipts should be submitted to the Office of Campus Activities (202 Pryzbyla). Tell the person at the reception desk that you have receipts for a reimbursement through the School of Theology and Religious Studies Graduate Student Association.
- Digital copies of receipts should be submitted using the STRSSA Conference Reimbursement Submission Form at the following url:
Any questions or comments regarding the STRSSA Conference Reimbursement Guidelines can be addressed to