In addition to its master's and doctoral programs, the Biblical Studies area offers the Licentiate (S.T.L.) in Biblical Theology. This degree is accredited by the Holy See and is especially appropriate for clerics and those who intend to teach in ecclesiastical faculties.

The degree involves the development of appropriate methods of scientific investigation in theology, specialization in one area of theological concentration through a thesis, and a set of written and oral comprehensive examinations. All candidates must have completed a previous academic program calculated to engender a basic familiarity with the long history of Christian theological endeavors.


To be admitted to the S.T.L. program a student must have already earned an S.T.B. in theology or its equivalent, e.g., an M.Div. The Catholic University S.T.B. requires 69 credits in academic theology, a comprehensive examination, and a reading knowledge of Latin.


  • 24 credits in exegesis at the licentiate (700) or doctoral (800) level.
  • Thesis guidance (for at least three successive semesters).
  • S.T.L. thesis.
  • A comprehensive examination based on a booklist available on the website of the School of Theology and Religious Studies.


  • Six credits of Greek beyond elementary and intermediate Greek (the elementary and intermediate course requires 6 credits).
  • Six credits of Hebrew beyond introductory Hebrew (the introductory course requires 6 credits).
  • A reading knowledge of Latin.
  • A reading knowledge of French or German demonstrated in accordance with School norms.