• Sharing Lights on the Way to God cover

    Sharing Lights on the Way to God

    Rodopi, 2006.

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  • Renewing Islam by Service cover

    Renewing Islam by Service

    Catholic University of America Press, 2015

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  • Nostra Aetate cover

    Nostra Aetate

    Catholic University of America Press, 2016

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  • World Religions in Dialogue cover

    World Religions in Dialogue

    Anselm Academic, 2017

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  • No Power Over God's Bounty cover

    No Power Over God's Bounty

    CT Peeters, 2021

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(ed.) World Religions: A Comparative Theological Approach (Winona, MN: Anselm Academic, 2013) pp. 7-14, 249-261

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(ed. with Gürkan Çelik) Fethullah Gülen & de Vrijwilligersbeweging (Budel: Damon, 2010) p. 256

Sharing Lights on the Way to God: Muslim-Christian Dialogue and Theology in the Context of Abrahamic Partnership (Currents of Encounter, 26), Amsterdam - New York, NY: Editions Rodopi, 2006, xviii-387.


“Foreword,” in: Matthew A. Tapie, Aquinas on Israel and the Church: the Question of Supersessionism in the Theology of Thomas Aquinas, Eugene OR: Pickwick Publications, 2014, ix-xii

“How Others Bear Witness To Our Faith: Aquinas and Lumen Gentium,” Jaarboek 2013 Thomas Instituut Utrecht, Henk Schoot, ed., Utrecht: Thomas Instituut, 2014, 55-75

Una Religio in Rituum Varietate: Religious Pluralism, the Qur’an, and Nicholas of Cusa,” in: Nicholas of Cusa and Islam: Polemic and Dialogue in the Late Middle Ages (Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions, 183) eds. Ian Christopher Levy, Rita George-Tvrtkovi? & Donald F. Duclow, Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2014, 30-48.

“One Faith, Different Rites: Nicholas of Cusa’s Awareness of Religious Pluralism,” in: Understanding Religious Pluralism: Perspectives from Religious Studies and Theology, edited by Peter C. Phan and Jonathan S. Ray, Eugene OR: Pickwick Publications, 2014, 192-208.

“Navigating Neuralgic Issues: The Art of David B. Burrell, C.S.C.,” Modern Theology 30/1 (January 2014): 146-152.

"Learning with and From Religious Others", Teaching Theology and Religion 16-4 (October 2013): 391.

“Fethullah Gülen and Peace as Horizon of Tolerance and Dialogue,” Preventing Violence and Achieving World Peace: The Contributions of the Gülen Movement, edited by Ori Z Soltes and Margaret A. Johnson (Washington College Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture, vol. 4), New York: Peter Lang, 2013: 41-53.

“The Hizmet Movement in the Dialogue between Muslim and Christian Religious Traditions,” The Gülen Hizmet Movement and its Transnational Activities: Case Studies of Altruistic Activism in Contemporary Islam, eds. Sophia Pandya, Nancy Gallagher (2012): 35-54.

“‘Die Schrift mit der Kirche lesen’: Joseph Ratzinger, die Tradition der Geheimnisse des Lebens Jesu und ‘theologische Exegese’ in Amerika,” Der Jesus des Papstes: Passion, Tod und Auferstehung im Disput, Hermann Häring (Hg.) (2011): 37-54.

“Learned Ignorance and Faithful Interpretation of the Qur`an in Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464),” Learned Ignorance: Intellectual Humility Among Jews, Christians, and Muslims (Oxford University Press, 2011).

“Sifting the Qur’an: Two Forms of Interreligious Hermeneutics in Nicholas of Cusa” Interreligious Hermeneutics in Pluralistic Europe, ed. by David Cheetham Ulrich Winkler, Oddbjorn Leirvik and Judith Gruber (Amsterdam – New York: Editions Rodopi, 2011).

“Abraham: Conflicting Interpretations and Symbol of Peaceful Cooperation”, Encounters of the Children of Abraham from Ancient to Modern Times, eds. Antti Laato, Pekka Lindqvist (2010): 313-326.

“Das Konzept der Offenbarung im Islam aus der Perspektive Komparativer Theologie”, Reinhold Bernhardt, Klaus von Stosch (Hg.), Komparative Theologie: Interreligiöse Vergleiche als Weg der Religionstheologie (Beiträge zu einer Theologie der Religionen, 7) (2009): 123-145.

“De Dialoog tussen moslims en christenen – een theologisch perspectief”, Marianne Moyaert en Paul Kevers (red.), Wanneer alteriteit realiteit wordt: Christendom en islam, Bijbel en Koran, Leuven – Voorburg: Acco, (2008): 213-230.

(with Harm Goris) “‘In Hem is Gods volheid lijfelijk aanwezig’: Jezus en de religies”, Tijdschrift voor Theologie 48 (2008): 403-421.

“Towards ‘Abrahamic Learning Communities’: How to Learn from Violence and Prejudices in Interreligious Polemics on Abraham and his Family”, Your Heritage and Mine: Teaching in a Multi-Religious Classroom, eds. Lena Roos & Jenny Berglund (Studies on Inter-Religious Relations, 43) Uppsala: Swedish Science Press (2008): 154-162.