Prayer and Contemplation at the Heart of Theological Inquiry
Within the School of Theology and Religious Studies, rigorous theological inquiry and robust spirituality mutually enrich one another. Students have a variety of opportunities for prayer and contemplation throughout the academic year, both within the School of Theology and Religious Studies as well as within the broader Catholic University community.
At the beginning of each academic year, students, faculty, and staff of the School of Theology and Religious Studies gather for the Dean's Vespers to ask God's blessings upon the School and its members for the year ahead. Other opportunities for communal prayer among Theology students and faculty are coordinated by the School of Theology and Religious Studies Students' Association, while Catholic University's Office of Campus Ministry coordinates liturgies and prayer services for the Catholic University community at large.
Our vibrant campus ministry program provides students with opportunities for spiritual direction, retreats, service, and fellowship with other Catholic University students through its faith-based student organizations. Undergraduate students may also apply to the Office of Campus Ministry's Student Ministry program. Many undergraduate Theology majors have served as student ministers.
Located within the School's academic building, Caldwell Chapel is easily accesible to all Theology students. Faculty and students of the School are often found in Caldwell Chapel for Mass or personal prayer. Masses are celebrated daily within this chapel throughout the week, in addition to weekly Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesday and Thursday evenings. Students may also use Caldwell Chapel for private prayer and reflection.
Students may take advantage of the proximity of a variety of other churches and religious centers that surround Catholic University's campus, including the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, the Saint John Paul II National Shrine, the Dominican House of Studies, and the Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine of the Holy Family, among many others.