Faith seeking understanding: This is the foundation of all theological inquiry. In the Catholic tradition, to know God is to love Him, and to love Him means to desire to know Him more.
It is with this understanding that theological teaching, research, and publication takes place at The Catholic University of America. A Catholic mind for theology is complemented by an open heart.
Theological inquiry is needed wherever the Church encounters the world. This means that our expansive range of offerings — from systematics to Church history to liturgy to morality — helps to prepare the Church’s clergy and lay members to bring the Church’s teaching into every corner of contemporary life.
At The Catholic University of America, we educate seminarians, priests, lay ministers, and catechists — among others — who are directly carrying out the educational, sacramental, and communal life of the Church. Our graduates are in every area of Catholic life: parishes, dioceses, schools, and on mission. Our training prepares students not just to do Church thinking, but to do Church living.