Doctoral Candidates and Students - Theology and Religious Studies - Catholic University of America, Washington, DC | CUA
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Doctoral Candidates and Students
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Rev. Stefanos Alexopoulos, Ph.D.
William A. Barbieri, Ph.D.
Rev. Christopher Begg, S.T.D., Ph.D., Ph.B.
David Bosworth, Ph.D.
Ian Boxall, D.Phil.
Joseph Capizzi, Ph.D.
Thomas Clemmons, Ph.D.
William Dinges, Ph.D.
David Elliot, Ph.D.
John Grabowski, Ph.D.
Bradley C. Gregory, Ph.D.
Charles B. Jones, Ph.D.
William P. Loewe, Ph.D.
Rev. Msgr. Paul McPartlan, S.T.L., D.Phil.
Nelson H. Minnich, Ph.D.
Very Rev. Mark Morozowich, S.E.O.D.
Chad C. Pecknold, Ph.D.
Michael Root, Ph.D.
Christopher Ruddy, Ph.D.
Paul Scherz, Ph.D.
Rev. Raymond Studzinski, O.S.B., Ph.D.
Wilhelmus Valkenberg, Ph.D.
Susan Wessel, Ph.D.
Rev. Michael Witczak, S.L.D.
Robin Darling Young, Ph.D.
Rev. Msgr. Stephen Rossetti, D.Min., Ph.D.
Religion and Culture Faculty
Reinhard Huetter, Dr. theol. habil.
Susan M. Timoney, STD
Mark Clark, Ph.D.
Doctoral Candidates and Students
Maria Cecilia Ulrickson, Ph.D.
Joshua C. Benson, Ph.D.
Dr. Jem Sullivan, Ph.D.
Rev. Vincent L. Strand, S.J., Ph.D.
Michael Francis, Ph.D.
Elizabeth Clemmons, Ph.D.
Katja Hess, STD
Thomas Piolata, O.F.M. Cap., Ph.D.
Jonathan Martin Ciraulo, Ph.D.
Kevin Fritts Program: Ph.D., Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology
Cyril Kennedy Program: Ph.D., Liturgical Studies and Sacramental Theology