May 28, 2019

The Doctoral students of the Biblical Studies department submitted their accomplishments for the year. See below for each student's items of note. 

Brian Carrier: 

Began a job as Director of Discipleship at The District Church.


Xi Li: 

An article accepted for publication: "A Purely Symbolic Theory on the Chronology in 1 Kings 6,1," Australia Biblical Review 67 (2019): 16-33.


Eric Trinka:


“The End of Islands: Drawing Insight from John’s Apocalypse to Respond to Prisoner Radicalization and Apocalyptically-Oriented Terrorism.” Religions 10.2, 73 (2019): 1-14. DOI:10.3390/rel10020073

“‘If you will only remain in this land’: Migration Decision-Making and Jeremiah as a Religiously Motivated Nonmover.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 80.4 (2018), 580-96.

“The Hand of God and Divine Touch in the Book of Job.” In Viewpoints on the Bible. Edited by Mark Roncace. (Wingate, NC: Point of View, 2018).

Contributing Translator and Author: Jonah: La Bible en ses Traditions. Edited by Fr. Olivier- Thomas Venard, O.P. Lueven: Peeters. (In Progress)

Conference Presentations:

Universidad Nova de Lisboa – Lisbon, Portugal

Migration and Colonization in the Mediterranean during the 1st Millennium BC

Presentation: “Colonizing the Highlands of Canaan: Migration and its Effects on Internal Religious Diversity in Early Israel”

The Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting – Denver, CO

Presentation: “The End of Islands: Drawing Insight from John’s Apocalypse to Respond to Prisoner Radicalization and Apocalyptically- Oriented Terrorism”

The Catholic University of America – Washington, D.C. 

Presentation: “Joseph and the Question of Assimilation in the Contexts of Forced Migration”

The Kartepe Summit – Kocaeli, Turkey

Migration, Refugees, and Humanity 

Presenter: International Policies and Return – “Migrants, Globalization, and Religion”

Panelist: Borders for Migration: Limitations – “Why We Cannot Afford to Ignore Migrant Religiosity”

The Migration Conference – Lisbon, Portugal 

Presentation: “Considering the Prophet Jeremiah as a Religiously-Motivated Non-Mover”


Eric Wagner:

Completed 1 year on the faculty at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, OH. His responsibilities have included 1) teaching Prophets, Pentateuch, and Luke-Acts, 2) weekly service on the college formation committee