January 17, 2012

CUA faculty and alumni gathered at the annual meeting of the North American Academy of Liturgy in Montreal, Quebec, on Jan. 5-8, 2012. CUA faculty in attendance included Associate Professor Michael Witczak and Assistant Professor Margaret Schreiber. Current CUA students James Sabak and Richard Hilgartner were in attendance, as well as CUA alums Cathie Vincie (this year's NAAL president), Judith Kubicki, Mark Wedig, Donald La Salle, Richard McCarron, Gabriel Pivarnic, Steve Wilbricht, Jason McFarland, James Hadley, Heidi Miller, and Nicholas Denysenko.

CUA faculty, students, and alums presented a number of papers. In the Christian Initiation seminar, Nicholas Denysenko spoke on "Chrismation in the Byzantine Rites of Initiation," and Steve Wilbricht presented "The Work of Bees and of Your Servants' Hands: A 'New' Exsultet with Ancient Cosmic Imagery." The participants in the Eucharistic Prayer and Theology seminar heard Gabriel Pivarnic speak on, "That You Should Enter Under My Roof: Eucharistic Indwelling and the Trinitarian Life." Michael Witczak reported on progress in his ongoing project publishing the Order of Mass as found in several St. Gall manuscripts, done in collaboration with Daniel Merz, in the Issues in Medieval Liturgy seminar. Jim Sabak presented the paper, "A Postscript to a Postscript on the Embertide Vigils in Roman Practice," to the Problems in the Early History of Liturgy seminar. The seminar in Visual Art and Liturgy heard James Hadley speak about "Monument, Meal, Memorial: Ancient Altars and the Ritual for Dedicating an Altar."

In addition, CUA alum Richard McCarron began a three year term as editor of the Proceedings of the Academy.

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