June 19, 2012

The Second Vatican Council was "the great grace bestowed on the Church in the twentieth century" (Pope John Paul II, Novo Millennio Ineunte, NMI, 57). The documents of the Council reviewed, refreshed and re-presented the Church's teaching in order to stengthen the Church's mission in the world of today. They expanded and developed that teaching in significant ways, such as in relation to ecumenism and religious freedom, and had a major impact on all aspects of the Church's liturgy and life. Overall, they offer "a sure compass by which to take our bearings in the century now beginning" (NMI 57), and, two generations on from the momentous event of the Council, it is timely to return to those documents and to examine them again, so as to draw ever more deeply from the riches they contain.

Welcome Message From the Dean

Dear Participant:The Second Vatican Council continued the long tradition of the church by strengthening the faith of its believers and manifesting more clearly the Mystical Body of Christ. I invite you to join with me as we at the Catholic University of America begin to mark the fiftieth anniversary with our upcoming symposium "Reform and Renewal: Vatican II After Fifty Years". Our keynote speakers include Cardinal William Levada, the prefect emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith and Fr. John O'Malley, S.J. one of the foremost historians of the Council. We also will feature our own faculty members who specialize in the various aspects of the Council including keynote speaker Rev. Msgr. Paul McPartlan. This unique opportunity to gather in reflection and discussion of the impact that this great ecumenical council continues to have on the very life of the Catholic Church will deepen our knowledge of the various decrees and, hopefully, be a spiritually enriching experience as well.

Please join the faculty and students of the School of Theology and Religious Studies as we journey together in enriching our intellectual understanding of the faith of the Catholic Church and explore the riches of the Second Vatican Council.

Sincerely in Christ,

Very Rev. Mark MorozowichDean

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