March 10, 2014

Msgr. Stephen Rossetti Teaches Live Online Class in Rome

Msgr. Stephen J. Rossetti is a visiting professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (PUG) this semester and is teaching a new course entitled "The Priesthood Today." Half of the lectures will be face-to-face in Rome and the other half is being beamed live to the 64 students signed up for the course. GOTOMEETING software is being used and the students are gathered in two sites: either a classroom at the Gregorian University or at the North American College in Rome. The first online class for the course was held on Thursday March 6th and went off without a hitch. The two hour class had both lecture followed by interaction between the professor and the students. This was the first time the PUG has ever had a class with the professor remoted in from another site.

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