September 08, 2016

Msgr. Irwin Attends Meetings in Rome Regarding Faith and Ecology

In conjunction with the AAAS grant on Science in Seminaries  Msgr. Irwin is presently attending the XIII meeting of University Professors in Rome co-sponsored by the Congregation for Catholic Education and Sapienza University.  Of particular interest  to the AAAS grant is the ongoing seminar on Faith and Ecology as well as discussions about the proposed document concerning the  revision of the curriculum for seminaries, in particular where science will fit in.

While in Rome he also attended the press conference at which Cardinal Peter Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justin and Peace and Bishop Kevin Farrell, Secretary for the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity presented Pope Francis' (now) annual Message on the Environment entitled "Show Mercy to Our Common Home." Later that day  Msgr. Irwin accompanied Cardinal Turkson, Archbishop Silvio Tomassi and Fr. Michael Czerny SJ of the Justice and Peace Council to the Vespers for the World Day of Prayer for Creation celebrated by Pope Francis in St. Peter's basilica on Thursday Sept. 1st.

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